Computer Changes The Way Humans Think

Fear of Missing Out

It’s not like there’s hard evidence to support this, but FOMO (fear of missing out) seems to be an apt description of life in the 21st century. The New York Times defined FOMO as “the blend of anxiety, inadequacy and irritation that can flare up while skimming social media sites.” This social media effect may not be so easily substantiated but we all know it’s true. Those pictures of your ex in Spain whilst you’re battling rain soaked England definitely doesn’t make you happier and recent research has even suggested that Facebook can spread emotions virally.

Facebook and Instagram have a lot to answer for and they seem to make everyone else’s lives look just a little rosier than your own. Now a night in alone watching a film, never an exciting past time, is interrupted by your incessant need to see what everyone else is up to online. Odds are it’s more fun and you feel as though your missing out. Should I be there? That’s FOMO.

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